If only more leaders or managers took this concept more seriously. I think we would be further along in our businesses and communities which would impact the world if we simply applied this idea. It is the idea of being a B.O.S.S. Often times I see those in leadership roles feel as though being a "boss" is being that of a dictator. The person people should fear. The person people should automatically respect due to a title. Depending on your title, there are a percentage of people who would automatically give you respect. Generally speaking, that is not the norm especially amongst Generation Y and Z.
My content is geared more towards Millennials (Gen Y) in management and leadership roles. In those I have mentored, I noticed that when promoted they feel that the rules within the workplace does not apply to them because they have reached a certain level. Some may argue that it is the idea of privilege, others, entitlement. Either way, the concept of doing so makes the role more so about the leader than the people (employees).
According to a Forbes article that outlined 7 Ways Millennials Are Changing Traditional Leadership, it states that:
Because millennials work best when they feel empowered to make decisions and take action to help consumers and benefit the organization that they work for, it should come as no surprise that they embrace empowerment when they enter leadership positions. It should also come as no surprise that they believe they can most benefit their teams and the organization as a whole by identifying ways to improve policies and processes, whether that's providing better employee welfare, facilitating drug rehab for employees who need it or providing more work flexibility (Fries, 2018)
Being in a leadership role takes much more than fulfilling an ego. Being a true B.O.S.S. takes what I call Being Others Support System. The key word within the article is that of "empowerment," it sums up the idea of Being Others Support System. Being your teams support system can positively impact employees in a number of ways. For example it may:
Give a sense of community
Encourage the employee to strive for better
Posture them for another opportunity
The goals listed above are some of many, but when an employee feels as though they are essential, learning and actually contributing to the organizational goals, it puts them in a position to be motivated enough to progress and fulfill their objectives. Such support would encourage a better organizational culture, increased employee retention and a more cohesive workplace environment.

When first introducing the B.O.S.S. concept to new leaders, they became resistant to the idea. It challenged them to think of leadership in another way. They were in a position to review leadership and management from a selfless perspective and realize that it is about others and not about themselves. It is about ensuring that their team is motivated by them feeling supported versus feeling that they should do the job "because [they] said so." So as you continue to grow in your leadership journey, take the time to self-check your leadership style and application. Move forward and be the real B.O.S.S.